Marine Roux is a 2024-2025 GPEP affiliate fellow. She is a PhD candidate at the World Trade Institute (University of Bern). Roux currently works on the TRADEM project, investigating…
Johannes Geith is a 2024-2025 GPEP affiliate fellow. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University and is affiliated with the Stockholm Center…
Originally published on October 13, this article has been updated to include a link to watch Rochelle Terman’s presentation delivered on November 7, 2024. The Lepgold Book Prize is…
Johan Wahlsten is a 2024–2025 GPEP affiliate fellow, a Fulbright Finland fellow, and a Ph.D. researcher in Political Science at the University of Helsinki. Wahlsten is interested widely in…
In this article, three of our current senior students reflect on their summer and the year ahead. Pictured: SFS Student Salmah Elmasry at the Mortara Center.
Sojun Park is a 2024-2025 GPEP affiliate and a PhD candidate at Princeton University. He holds BAs in International Studies and Economics from Korea University. Read his self-introduction below! …
We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Lepgold Prize winner has been selected! The winner is Dr. Rochelle Terman, assistant professor in the University of Chicago’s Department of…
We are excited to introduce the 2024 cohort of Mortara Undergraduate Research Fellows (MURFs) at Georgetown University. These exceptional students are making significant strides in their fields and contributing to…
The annual Georgetown University Lepgold Book Prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of international relations. The prize is named in honor of Joseph S. Lepgold, a Georgetown…
As the program assistant for the Mortara Undergraduate Research Fellows (MURF), I recently had the privilege of witnessing the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and passion at our…