Category: News

Title: Mortara Welcomes Elizabeth N. Saunders as Director

The Mortara Center for International Studies is pleased to welcome Elizabeth N. Saunders as its new director, succeeding Abraham Newman. Professor Saunders is currently an Associate Professor in the Walsh School of Foreign Service and author of Leaders at War: How Presidents Shape Military Interventions (Cornell University Press 2012). You can read her full bio here. Professor Saunders has also shared her welcome statement in her Director’s Message. Mortara looks forward to the succeeding years under Professor Saunders’ leadership.

Mortara Welcomes Elizabeth N. Saunders as Director

Dear Mortara Community, 2024 was another eventful year inside and outside the Mortara Center. We hosted and organized a large number of highly successful events: research talks by renowned scholars,…


Matteo Nebbiai is a 2024-2025 GPEP affiliate fellow. He is a PhD researcher at the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London, funded by the UK Economic and…

Marine Roux is a 2024-2025 GPEP affiliate fellow. She is a PhD candidate at the World Trade Institute (University of Bern). Roux currently works on the TRADEM project, investigating…