Siyao Li
GPEP Fellow (2020-2021)
Siyao Li is an Assistant Professor of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and an affiliated faculty with the University of Pittsburgh Department of Political Science. For the 2020-2021 academic year she was a GPEP predoctoral fellow at Georgetown University's Mortara Center for International Studies. Her research focuses on the politics of foreign direct investment and trade, and business-government relations. Her book project investigates why and how foreign direct investment into weak institutional environments achieve property protection through host government institutions, especially in terms of technology assets. Her other papers are published at the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of European Public Policy, and Political Science Research and Methods. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master’s degree in Statistics from The Wharton School, and a Bachelor of Arts in University Scholars, summa cum laude from Baylor University.