During the 2021-2021 academic year, the Global Political Economy Project (GPEP) hosted GPEP-R, a series of talks focused on race in international political economy. The talks were held virtually and consisted of presentations highlighting the speaker’s research and mapping a future research agenda, followed by Q&A and broader conversation on the topic. Reading suggestions from GPEP-R speakers are available at this link and recordings of each of the talks are available on our YouTube channel and below.
Race and Trade Politics
with Dr. Alexandra Guisinger, Temple University
Race, Colonialism, and the Global Economy
with Dr. Robbie Shilliam, Johns Hopkins University
Race and Global Migration
with Dr. Andrew Rosenberg, University of Florida
Race and the Liberal International Order
with Dr. Zoltán Búzás, Drexel University
Race and Foreign Aid
with Dr. Burcu Bayram, University of Arkansas, and Dr. JP Singh, George Mason University
Race and Foreign Direct Investment
with Dr. Sonal Pandya, University of Virginia
Race and International Development
with Dr. Olivia U. Rutazibwa, University of Portsmouth, UK and Dr. Naazneen Barma, University of Denver
Race and Illicit Markets
with Dr. Kojo Koram, Birkbeck School of Law, University of London, UK